Lead Pastor of Compassion:
Noah D. Schumacher
Noah and his wife Michelle Schumacher are the proud parents of three children. They have a deep passion to serve others in discovering the wonder and mystery of following Jesus. A journey they say is far from easy but always good.
Outside of pastoring Compassion, Noah is passionate about other nations in need. His passion has taken him around the world serving and training other believers in Central America, East Africa, and with the persecuted Church in the Middle East. In previous years, Noah was also a high school bible teacher at Lake Center Christian School in Uniontown, OH. He holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Ashland Theological Seminary and is currently a Doctoral student at Northern Seminary in Chicago, IL focusing on the study of the Historical Jesus and the mission of the 1st century church. He is focusing on how these areas can breathe new life into missions and church planting for today. Together, Noah and Michelle seek to live out the Gospel of Jesus as transparently as they can. This was especially evident in January of 2019 when Noah (with the full support and blessing of Michelle) donated half of his liver to a young child who’s life was saved. A child he did not know. Together, they envision a diverse and Spirit Filled gathering of people that resembles the church at Antioch in Acts 13. A church full of all backgrounds thriving in their pursuit of Jesus and being sent out to make disciples and plant churches. Noah and Michelle also hope that Compassion can be a place for those hurt by the church; rediscovering the hope of Christ and true community. Noah blogs at NoahDSchumacher.com. |
To contact a member of the Compassion Team by email, click their name or picture.
Leah McMullinWorship Leader
Foster Closet Director |
Lorrie FordCompassion Prayer Team Leader
Scott RadcliffBuilding Design
Aaron FordDeacon
Adam ShooltzDeacon
UGroup and Compassion Group Director Compassion Preaching Team |
Mitch SwihartDeacon
Brian WaltonDeacon
Cindy Walton
Stan DearingElder of Compassion
Curt GilkersonElder of Compassion
Shari KeimElder of Compassion
Sarah ShooltzElder of Compassion
Family Life Coordinator Interim Compassion Kids Director |
Chuck ShumacherElder of Compassion
Director of Pastoral Care Pastor Emeritus |