What can I expect at Compassion?
- To be welcomed, included, and valued.
- To experience authenticity, vulnerability, and people love well.
- To be yourself and still be challenged to become like Jesus.
- To find a safe, engaging, and relevant kid’s environment.
- To experience zero judgment regarding your past and present.
- To encounter the compassion of Christ and transformation.
- To engage Gods Spirit through Scripture, Worship, and Community.
What should we wear?
At Compassion when it comes to dress we don’t emphasize exteriors. Come as you are.
What is here for my family?
We have a dedicated team who work hard to create an environment for all ages to experience the love and depth of Christ. Our Compassion Kids Ministry meets Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday nights for “Level Up.” Our Student Ministry “Rise” meets Wednesday evenings along with various men's, women's, and adult mid-week gatherings. Through the year we also have various focuses on marriages, parenting, and other areas of family life.
How do I get rooted at Compassion?
We know that it can be challenging to find a church home that you can put roots in. We try to make it as simple and relational as possible. The first step is filling out one of our Starting Point cards at a gathering or registering on our Compassion App. Upon receiving your information you will receive an email from our lead pastor followed by phone call from our team. Our goal is to make a connection to help you understand what Compassion is all about and how you can be a part of what God is doing. From that conversation you will hear about the next steps as well as opportunities for us to hear more about your story and how you can help Compassion become more effective for the Kingdom of God locally and globally.