"Then Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham.
For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.'" (Luke 19:9-10 NRSV)
Saved "from" or Saved "for"?
Chances are, if you have heard the word "salvation" you have most likely associated this word with being "saved from something." While there is an element of being saved from something when this word is used in Scripture there is another aspect of salvation that is often ignored. During the days of both Jesus and the writers of the New Testament salvation involved life in the present as well. This is seen above when Jesus is speaking to a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus. He was someone looked down upon and despised because of his coercion with the Roman government in collecting taxes from his fellow Jewish citizens. But in Luke 19 something amazing takes place. Zacchaeus experiences transformation and rights the wrongs he had previous committed. As a result of this Jesus declares that on that day--at that precise moment--salvation has come to him and his household. How can this be if salvation concerns only the distant future in heaven? He and his family were saved for a new life as Jesus followers. A new life of righteousness enjoying the presence and promises of God.
What is Salvation?
At Compassion we embrace a holistic understanding in the same way Jesus and the Scriptures do. One who experiences salvation is living a life marked by repentance and transformation. It is a life that has gone from death to life. For us there is no "sinners prayer" which achieves eternal salvation as though it were a ticket for an event in the future. Following Jesus is earthy, challenging, and muddy. It is an arduous journey but the greatest one we could ever embark upon. As a church we are committed to walking this out with you in the present as we trust for the fullness of our redemption in the life that is to come.
We Walk This Out By:
- Seeking to make all know they are welcomed, loved, and appreciated
- Showing value and honor to each member's unique story recognizing their uniqueness contributes to our diversity
- Alleviating the pain and suffering of others the best we can through tangible acts of love, prayer, and service
Salvation surely begins with prayer and repentance but the journey of experiencing our salvation is a life time of highs and lows which we as the Body of Christ walk out together.
If you would like to meet and discuss your own journey of salvation and how to begin this process of becoming a Jesus follower (Christian) please call us at 330-497-3166 or email at [email protected] and we will establish a time to quickly meet to discuss your next steps! We would love the honor to walk beside you in your journey of salvation.